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Desperate Housewives Saison 7 Épisode 18
  • Desperate Housewives Saison 7 Épisode 18

Believing she’s on a winning streak after undergoing a successful kidney transplant, Susan begins to think she’s invincible and starts to gamble with the little money she and Mike have, convinced she can’t lose. Meanwhile, Bree desperately tries to stop Andrew from admitting to Carlos that he was the one who accidentally killed his mother years ago, and Renee helps introduce Lynette to the world of high class, frivolous shopping now that Tom’s bringing in the big bucks with his new, high-powered job. Felicia (guest star Harriet Sansom Harris) moves back into the neighborhood and tries to convince an extremely suspicious Paul that she wants to bury the hatchet and try to be civil to one another.

Comédie, Drame, Mystère
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